Mountains White Carpathian Mountains

The White Carpathian Mountains are located on the border with Slovakia between Trenčín and Uherský Brod. The mountain range was formed in the Mesozoic and Tertiary by marine wrinkling. Due to the proximity of the border with Slovakia, the White Carpathians, especially in the north-eastern part, are a rare place to see the lynx or brown bear.

Orchid meadows and pastures are a typical feature of the White Carpathians. They often include meadow wetlands. The mountains belong to the Morava and Slovak Váh river basins. The rivers Olšava, Chvojnica, Myjava, Velička and Okluky, which flow into the Morava River, originate here.

The White Carpathians are bordered in the south-west by the Horňásko and Dolňácko regions. Even nowadays, the White Carpathians still have traditions of folk costumes and songs.

For more detailed information about the White Carpathians, I recommend watching the new Czech TV series Krajinou domova - Orchidejové hory (great drone footage).

The highest mountain

Velká Javořina 970 m above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Velký Lopeník 911 m above see level, Mikulčin vrch 799 m above see level, Bradlová 733 m above see level, Studený vrch 646 m above see level., Lesná 696 m above see level.

White Carpathian Mountains is divided

Chmeľovská hornatina; Javořinská hornatina; Lopenická hornatina; Straňanská kotlina; Žalostinská vrchovina

Protected areas

White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area

More information

It belongs to the system: Slovakia-Moravian Carpathians
It is in the countries: the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic
Predominant rocks: chalk; sandstone; siltstone