Trip to the ruins of Levnov and Kraví Hora castles

Mountain range, region / State

Bohemian-Moravian Highlands / Czech Republic



09. 04. 2023


1 / 5


↑ 353 m

↓ 353 m


7.0 km

3 hours


max. 377 m n.m.

min. 261 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 353 m
Dismal metres: 353 m

Useful information

Trip to the valley of the Oslava River to Levnov and Kraví Hora castles

Starting point

Parking on the square in Senorady. Eventually, we found out that we could drive to the Senorady canteen, but then the trip would be too short.

Description of the hike

I went to Levnov Castle once before from Ketkovice. This time we went from the south and added one more ruin. From the village of Senorady we took the yellow trail, which leads along a nice wide road. We followed it to the Senoradská kantýna pub. We still resisted and continued on the yellow trail. It turns left and after a while we reached the Oslava River. We crossed it on a footbridge and started climbing up to the Kraví Hora castle. The ascent is very steep, especially at the beginning. Later it slows down and we reached the ruins of Kraví Hora by the trail.

After a short rest we returned to the Oslava River. We then started our ascent to Levnov Castle along an unmarked trail. At the beginning the climb is again very steep. The trail soon took us between the rocks. Often we had to cross them, as the trail goes along a rocky ridge. The end of the ascent to Levnov (Ketkovice Castle) is again very steep. However, the view from the castle to the Oslava valley and the surrounding area is worth it. Again we rested for a while and then started to descend back. At first we followed the red trail, but soon we turned onto a narrow trail that descended into the Oslava River valley. Here we joined a wide path which led back to the Senorad Canteen pub. This time we could no longer resist and refilled our liquids slightly. Then we followed the yellow trail back to the car in Senorady.


Although we did this trip with kids and a dog, it is not a completely easy route. The ascents to the ruins from the Oslava River are quite steep. The most difficult of the whole trip is definitely the climb up to Levnov Castle. There is a trail, but it leads along a rocky ridge. Very often it is necessary to use your hands while climbing. Therefore, this route is more suitable for more experienced hikers. The paths in the valley, on the other hand, are comfortable and wide.


Water availability

Liquids can be replenished in the Senoradská canteen, which is located on the way to the Oslava River. Otherwise we had water supplies with us. It is good to have at least 1 litre per person.

Mountain peaks

The route leads over the Kraví hora hill, which is also home to the ruins of the castle of the same name. However, the ruins of Levnov (Ketkovický hrad) offer an excellent view.


The ascent to Levnov Castle from the Oslava River is difficult due to the rocky terrain. The trail leads in places purely in the rock. Mostly it is well navigable, but there are places where you cannot do without using your hands. In addition, the trail runs high above the Oslava River, making it a really challenging route for less experienced hikers.


Light refreshments are offered in the Senoradská canteen. We had our own snacks.


The route of the trip leads, among other things, to the ruins of Kraví Hora Castle. This castle was probably founded in 1360 by Ješek of Náchod and Kraví Hora. The ruins are situated on a high hill above the Oslava River. During the time of the owners Jindřich and Přibík Šípa of Šelmberk, the castle garrison raided the surrounding area, mainly plundering the property of the Třebíč monastery. In 1409, Znojmo troops unsuccessfully tried to capture the castle. The castle probably disappeared after 1440 after a mass action of the Moravian Estates against the castle's marauding garrison. Today, part of the massive tower, the perimeter wall and the remains of the square bastion have been preserved. The ruins are freely accessible to the public.

Posted by: 13. 04. 2023
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