Trek to Piz Boe in the Dolomites with the Cesare Piazzetta ferrata

Mountain range, region / State

Dolomites in Alps / Italy



09. 08. 2008




↑ 380 m

↓ 1051 m


6.5 km

8 hours


max. 3152 m n.m.

min. 2186 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 380 m
Dismal metres: 1051 m

Climb to Piz Boe in the Sella massif with a challenging ferrata

Starting point

Parking in the Passo Pordoi road saddle, located between the towns of Canazeia Arabba. A cable car leads from the saddle to the edge of the Sella massif.

Description of the hike

For our first event in the Dolomites, we also chose one of the most difficult ferrata - Cesare Piazzetta. And yet the ascent to Piz Boe started idyllically. In the night a snow shower swept over the mountains and in the morning it was like a beautiful morning. (photo) We decided to simplify the ascent to Piz Boe by using a cable car. We left the cars at the road saddle of Passo Pordoi. From there we also took the cable car up to about 2,900 m above sea level to the plateau of the Sella massif. (photo) From the top station of the cable car we descended into the saddle to the Rifugio Forc hut. Pordoi. We continued along the plateau towards the Piz Boe mountain. (photo) The path leads to the very top of the mountain by a path between the stones. It is also secured at the top with a steel rope. This was useful for us, as there was fresh snow from the previous night. Otherwise the ropes would not have been necessary for the ascent. In this way we reached the top of Piz Boe 3 152 m above sea level without any problems. As there is also a hut here, we couldn't resist and had our morning coffee at 3,150 m above sea level. A beautiful experience. (photo)

We chose the Cesare Piazzetta ferrata for the descent from the Piz Boe mountain. Unfortunately. First we descended from the hut along a classic mountain path to the edge of the rock plateau. Looking down, it didn't seem to us that it would be any significantly difficult. The first tens of meters of descent are quite trouble-free. The rock is rugged and not so perpendicular. (photo) After a while, however, the ferrata turns into an almost perpendicular wall. Here you need good physics. Since we were walking down the ferrata, it was challenging to find footstools underneath. The perpendicular walls alternated with rock benches on which we could rest. (photo)

The last part of the descent was also the hardest. The ferrata leads in a vertical wall about 150 meters high. As we had been on the route for a long time, it was very challenging and it was with great gratitude that we unhooked the steel ropes for the last time at the end of the route. From the end of the ferrata we continued along the now classic path that followed the perpendicular walls of the Sella massif. We reached the road saddle of Passo Pordoi without any problems. (photo) Here we also had a well-deserved beer.



The Cesare Piazzetta Ferrata is considered one of the most difficult in the Dolomites. It is very sporty, the ropes are led in perpendicular walls with a minimum of holds, there are sections with overhangs. It is necessary to have an excellent physical condition, otherwise you will suffer. The route from the cable car to the top of Piz Boe, on the other hand, is easy, with only the upper passage secured by a steel rope.

Water availability

There is no water from the cable car exit to the ferrata descent. It is possible to refresh yourself at the Rifugio Capanna Fassa hut at the top of Piz Boe.

Sleeping options

The whole ascent and descent can be done in one day. No overnight stay is necessary. Otherwise it is possible to stay overnight at the hut on the top of Piz Boe - Rifugio Capanna Fassa.

Mountain peaks

From the top of Piz Boe 3 152 m above sea level there are beautiful views of the entire Sella massif, the Marmolada Mountains, Sassolungo, the Tofan group and many others.


Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta is very demanding. It is often on a vertical rock with a minimum of holds. This is especially true for its lower part. In the upper part the climbing is easier. The route from the cable car to the top of Piz Boe is easy. It leads in rocky terrain, secured at the top by a steel rope. But it is not necessary to use it.


You need to be very well equipped to make Of course, mountain clothing is a must - sturdy boots, good quality clothing including a waterproof jacket. We were here in the height of summer, yet it snowed the night before the climb, so warm clothing was also necessary. For the ferrata you need complete equipment - ferrata kit with brake and helmet.



Food can be enjoyed at the huts along the way. The first - Rifugio Forcella Pordoi - is a short walk from the top of the cable car, the second - Rifugio Capanna Fassa - is at the top of Piz Boe.


Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta is considered the most difficult ferrata in the Dolomites. Unfortunately, we chose it as our first ferrata ever. What's more, we planned our trip so that we went down this ferrata. This is very challenging as you can't see the stupas and holds below you very well. It's definitely better to take the ferrata towards the top.

Posted by: 27. 03. 2017
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