Mountains Rodna

The Rodna Mountains (Munții Rodnei in Romanian) are located in northern Romania. It is the second highest mountain range in the Eastern Carpathians. Its shape resembles a triangle. Its profile is similar to the Slovak Rohacs. In the highest parts it is a grassy ridge, which only in the highest places turns into rocks.

A large part of the mountain range is covered with forests and therefore several large carnivores, such as bears, live here. There are about 36 lakes in the mountain range. The largest of these is Lake Lala Mare. In the southern part of the Rodna Mountains is the deepest cave system in Romania - Tausoarelor.

The highest mountain

Pietrosul Rodnei 2303 m

List of major mountain peaks

Vf. Ineu 2 279 m, Vf. Coasta Neteda 2 060 m, Vf. Cisa 2 036 m, Vf. Omului 2 134 m, Vf Claii 2 121 m, Vf. Gargalau 2 159 m, Vf. Galatului 2 048 m

Rodna is divided
Protected areas

Rodna National Park

More information

It's part of the system: Eastern Carpathians
Located in Romania
Predominant rocks: crystalline schist

Interesting links