Mountains Paring

The Paring Mountains (Romanian: Munții Parângului or Parâng) are the second highest mountains in Romania. Unlike the highest mountain, Fagaras, it is not as visited by tourists. The only exception is the ski resort near the town of Petrosani. Otherwise, you won't find any mountain huts in the mountains.

The highest mountain Parangul Mare 2 519 m above sea level is the only one that exceeds the 2500 m mark. It is in the highest parts of the mountains that the landscape is most rocky. Otherwise, Paring is mostly grassy, in some parts we can find deep forests. There are many lakes in the mountain range, even in the highest parts near the Parangul Mare mountain, e.g. lakes Mandra, Rosiile. Paring is connected on all sides with other Carpathian mountains - Vilcan, Sureanu, Lotrului, Capatini.

The highest mountain

Parangul Mare (rumunsky Parângul Mare) 2 519 m

List of major mountain peaks

Gemanarea 2 426 m, Stoienita 2 421 m, Carja 2 405 m, Setea Mare 2 365 m, Prangul Mic 2 074 m

Paring is divided
Protected areas
More information

It's part of the system: South Carpathians
It is in the countries: Romania
Predominant rock types: granite

Interesting links