Mountains Lusatian Mountains

The Lusatian Mountains are a small mountain range (180 km2) to the west of the Jizera Mountains and north of the Ralská Hills. There are sixteen small protected areas and nineteen protected trees in the Lusatian Mountains. Only smaller watercourses (e.g. the Kamenice River) have their sources here.

Originally, the Lusatian Mountains were mainly forested with beech and fir trees, less so with spruce. Thanks to artificial reforestation of cleared areas, the Lusatian Mountains are, like other Czech mountains, predominantly spruce. In the Lusatian Mountains many debris fields can be found, which were formed by weathering during the Ice Age. Smaller debris fields can be found on almost every hill.

The highest mountain

Luž 793 m

List of major mountain peaks

Pěnkavčí vrch 792 m, Jedlová 774 m, Klíč 760 m, Hvozd 749 m, Studenec 736 m

Lusatian Mountains is divided

Děčínská vrchovina; Šluknovská pahorkatina; Žitavská pánev; Ještědsko-kozákovský hřbet; Ralská pahorkatina; České středohoří

Protected areas

Protected Landscape Area Lusatian Mountains

More information

It's part of the system: Krkonoše region
It is in the Czech Republic, Germany
Predominant rocks: sandstone; basalt