Mountains Jizera Mountains

The Jizera Mountains are located in the north of the Czech Republic and extend into Poland, where the highest peak of the Jizera Mountains, Wysoka Kopa (1,126 m above sea level), is located. The Jizera Mountains got their name from the name of the Jizera River, which probably got its name in the Celtic period. The name of the river Gizera has been used since the 13th century AD. The Jizera River rises on the Czech mountain Smrk (1,124 m above sea level), which is also the highest mountain in the Jizera Mountains on the Czech side of the range.

The predominant rock of the entire mountain range is granite and slate. The forest is mostly mixed (fir, spruce and beech). Heavy logging of the forest cover is evident from about the 17th century AD, when glassmaking began to develop in the Jizera region.

Jizera Mountains
The highest mountain

Wysoka Kopa 1 126 m

List of major mountain peaks

Smrk 1 124 m, Jizera 1 122 m, Smědavská hora 1 085 m, Černá Hora 1 085 m, Holubník 1 071 m

Jizera Mountains is divided

Smrčská hornatina; Jizerská hornatina

Protected areas

Protected landscape area of the Jizera Mountains
National Nature Reserve - Jizera Mountains Beechwoods; Jizera Peat Bogs; Jizerka Peat Bogs

More information

It's part of the system: Krkonoše region
It is in the countries: the Czech Republic, Poland
Predominant rocks: granite; shale