Mountains Jeseníky

The Jeseníky Mountains consist of several smaller mountain sub-units (see division below), which are well-known mountain units in their own right. The Jeseníky Mountains belong to the Eastern Sudetenland and to the overarching mountain unit of the Krkonoše-Jessene subprovince.

The highest mountain in the Jeseníky is Praděd (1 491 m), which is also the fifth highest mountain in the Czech Republic (the first to fourth highest mountains in the Czech Republic belong to the Krkonoše). A transmitter was built on Praděd in 1983, which is an unmissable landmark. Originally, there was a stone tower on the site of the transmitter, which collapsed in the 1950s.

The highest mountain

Králický Sněžník 1 424 m

List of major mountain peaks

Malý Sněžník 1 324 m, Jeřáb 1 003 m, Smrk 1 126 m, Slunečná 800 m

Jeseníky is divided

Králický Sněžník; Rychlebské hory; Hrubý Jeseník; Nízký Jeseník; Hanušovická vrchovina; Zábřežská vrchovina; Mohelnická brázda; Zlatohorská vrchovina

Protected areas

Protected Landscape Area Jeseníky

More information

It's part of the system: Krkonoše-Yesenická subprovince
It is in the countries: the Czech Republic, Poland
Predominant rocks: granite; crystalline limestone; caliche; rubble; granite