Hike to the lookout tower Babí lom

Mountain range, region / State

Drahan Highlands / Czech Republic



27. 11. 2022


1 / 5


↑ 150 m

↓ 272 m


5.4 km

3 hours


max. 556 m n.m.

min. 305 m n.m.

Tourist map of the Babí lom tower near Brno

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 150 m
Dismal metres: 272 m

Useful information

  1. Suitable for children - YES
  2. Suitable for dogs - YES
  3. Suitable for strollers - NO
  4. Overcrowding - medium

Trip from Vranov to Babí lom

Starting point

The village of Vranov, where we arrived by bus from Brno. From Vranov there is a tourist trail leading to Babí lom.

Description of the hike

We moved to Vranov by bus from Brno. Right at the bus stop we connected to the red sign. There is a self-service bar on the outskirts of Vranov, where we were happy to take a short break. Then we left Vranov on a dirt road and continued towards the forest on a wide path. At the forest nursery, we joined the asphalt road for a short while and reached the foot of the Babi Quarry ridge.

There is also a nice place to rest. Then we climbed to the ridge of Babí quarry. It is a bit steeper climb. At the saddle we first turned right, where the trail leads to the highest point of Babí quarry. After a while, we found ourselves in small rocks with the summit on top of them. The view from the rocks is limited due to the mature trees.

From the summit we returned to the saddle and continued along the ridge towards the lookout tower. This part of the trail is the most interesting and fun. You walk on small rocks, sometimes you have to use your hands to get over small rocks. Eventually we reached the lookout tower. The views are beautiful both towards the Moravian Karst and towards the Highlands. From the lookout tower we continued along the red trail and descended quite steeply through the forest. We reached the village of Lelekovice. We had lunch in a local pub and then we took a bus to civilization.


A simple trip, ideal for families with children. The elevation gain is small, the whole way along the marked trail. The trail is on the ridge of the Babí Quarry, in rocky terrain. Sometimes it is necessary to use your hands, but it is more of a pleasant diversion on the trail. For children it is fun, seniors will walk the ridge passage a bit slower. The trail is also ideal for dogs, but a stroller will definitely not make it.

Water availability

Refreshments are at the end of the village of Vranov, it is a self-service hut. There was an open bar by the forest skip on the road from Vranov to Babí quarry. Another option is a restaurant in the village of Lelekovice.

Mountain peaks

The highest point is Babí lom 562 m above sea level, but the views are offered by the lookout tower of the same name, which overhangs the surrounding trees and offers a great view of the surroundings.


The ridge of Babí Quarry is technically easy. The trail here leads partly in rocky terrain. In wet or icy conditions the rocks are very slippery. Sometimes it is necessary to hold on lightly. The rest of the trail is otherwise easy, following wide paths.


The pub is in Lelekovice. There is a self-service bar at the end of Vranov and a pub at the weekend. A small snack bar was also opened at the forest nursery on the road from Vranov to Babí quarry.

Posted by: 07. 12. 2022
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