Czech mountain ranges

Out of the 83 mountain ranges in the Czech Republic, there are a total of 16 mountain ranges with an altitude exceeding 1,000 metres. All 83 Czech mountain ranges can be put together by only a few mountaineers, and with the help of wikipedia :).

On the website you can find a list of the most visited and highest mountains in the Czech Republic. For each mountain you will find its description and basic characteristics, tips for hikes, treks and some huts of the mountain. Most people are mainly interested in the highest peaks of each mountain with their altitude. Therefore, here is a table of the 10 highest mountains with their peaks:

TOP 10 highest mountains in the Czech Republic:

1 Krkonoše Sněžka 1 603 m n. m.
2 Hrubý Jeseník Praděd 1 492 m n. m.
3 Králický Sněžník Králický Sněžník 1 432 m n. m.
4 Šumava Plechý 1 378 m n. m.
5 Moravskoslezské Beskydy Lysá hora 1 323 m n. m.
6 Krušné hory Klínovec 1 244 m n. m.
7 Rychlebské hory Smrk 1 125 m n. m.
8 Jizerské hory Smrk 1 124 m n. m.
9 Orlické hory Velká Deštná 1 115 m n. m.
10 Novohradské hory Kamenec 1 072 m n. m.


List of all major mountain ranges in the Czech Republic: