Mountains Bohemian-Moravian Highlands

The Bohemian-Moravian Highlands are located mainly in the Vysočina Region. However, it also extends into the South Bohemia and South Moravia regions. There are no main mountain ranges. It is divided into several separate units, see the division of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. The highest mountain, Javořice (837 m above sea level), belongs to the Jihlava Hills subdivision.

The Bohemian-Moravian Upland is the second oldest mountain range in the Czech Republic (after Šumava). It was formed by the so-called Variscan folding in the Proto-Mountains. The area of Žďárské Vrchy, especially Dráteníčky, is often used by sport and hobby climbers.

One part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, the Žďárské vrchy, is the subject of a new Czech TV series called The Land of Home - The Double Heart of the Highlands - I definitely recommend watching it.

Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
The highest mountain

Javořice 837 m above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Devět skal 836 m above see level, Lísek 760 m above see level, Buchtův kopec 813 m above see level, Žákova hora 810 m above see level, Horní les 774 m above see level.

Bohemian-Moravian Highlands is divided

Křemešnická vrchovina; Hornosázavská pahorkatina; Železné hory; Hornosvratecká vrchovina; Křižanovská vrchovina; Javořická vrchovina; Jevišovická pahorkatina; Thaya Hochland

Protected areas

Protected Landscape Area Žďárské Vrchy
Protected landscape area of the Iron Mountains

More information

It belongs to the system Czech-Moravian subprovince
It is in the countries: the Czech Republic, Austria
Predominant rocks: granite; crystalline schist

Interesting links

Tips for hikes in the mountains Bohemian-Moravian Highlands

Cottages in the mountains range Bohemian-Moravian Highlands