Mountains Bohemian Forest

The Bohemian Forest is located in the west of the Czech Republic and partly extends into Germany. The nature here is very similar to Šumava. However, the Český les is on average 400 m lower in height than Šumava. In the Bohemian Forest we find flat ridges and shallow valleys. In the northern part of the Bohemian Forest there are typical peat bogs with pine bog and peat bog flowers.

Typical species in the local flora are, for example, the spreading fern (Dryopteris dilatata ), the hairy bullrush (Luzula pilosa), the sour sorrel (Oxalis acetosella), the scented honeysuckle (Galium odoratum), the perennial pheasant's-bit scabious (Mercurialis perennis), the decaying moss (Milium effusum), and the spotted arum (Arum maculatum) growing in the beech forests. The bird community is very rich, especially in natural beech forests.

The highest mountain

Čerchov 1 042 m above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Dlouhá skála 968 m above see level, Dyleň 939 m above see level, Gibacht 938 m above see level, Smrčí 935 m above see level, Entenbühl 901 m above see level

Bohemian Forest is divided

Podčeskoleská pahorkatina; Všerubská vrchovina; Bodenwöhrer Bucht; Oberpfälzer Hügelland; Wondrebsenke

Protected areas

Bohemian Forest Protected Landscape Area

More information

It belongs to the system: the Bohemian-Korean area
It is in the Czech Republic: Germany
Predominant rocks: granite; rula